Today Nathan kept us laughing. Here are a couple of his comedic moments:
1. Dave was changing him and he had a small {eep! I hate to type this} erection/boner. Nathan saw it and said," Look at that big pee-dinker!" And he repeated it, too!! I still have to choke back the chuckles when I think about this. I wish I were there, but Dave was getting some quality time with him during his spring break.
2. At dinner, he had finished eating his spaghetti and was moving on to the second course of cut up strawberries. He still had a cup of water and a fork in front of him. He started stirring his water. Here's how the conversation went:
Nathan: I'm tirring.
Me: What are you stirring? What are you making?
Nathan: Cream of wheat.
Me: Can I have some?
Nathan: No, it's too hot.
Me: Oh, can I have some after it cools?
Nathan: Yes.
He then ate some more strawberries and got back to his cooking.
His imagination is just bursting and growing right now. It's so neat to hear him pretend. He pretends pretzels are boats. He hands us imaginary balls to pitch to him so he can hit them with his imaginary bat.
Also, he is really into The Sandlot movie. I'm starting this blog well into his obsession, for he can already accurately quote many of the scenes. It is so hilarious. He has a blue baseball cap that I gave him and he says, "Just like Benny's." Everything he does sports-wise involves hitting some sort of ball over the dog fence to the beast. :) One concerning thing, though....well, two. First, that he is starting to quote the line, "Count on it, you pee-drinking crap-face." Wow, we're good parents, huh?! Second, isn't your two year old watching it too often if he can quote it with such accuracy? At least now, he's branching out to other entertainment: Caillou, a Canadian animated show that is very sweet. He still loves Thomas the Tank Engine, too. He even sings the song at the end with all of the engine's names. Very cute.
Speaking of singing, Nathan is really starting to sing along to some songs. He knows Jesus Loves Me and snipets of America the Beautiful {Only because it's in the Sandlot movie}, ABC's, Deep and Wide, and some pirate song that Dave sings with him {"Row Ho, Row Ho, a pirate's life for me.}
Okay, that's all I can think of now. I'll try to update this regularly so we can all stay in stitches. :)
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