Today, we went to the doctor. He had a rash that turned out to be yeast and allergies. So, after the doctor, we went to Chick-fil-a for some lunch. We brought it with us to the duck pond park and had ourselves a sweet little picnic and playtime. As we were walking toward the park, in the parking lot, Nathan started walking the wrong way. I guided him back on course and he said, "I went the wrong way," over and over. It was cuter than it sounds on here ;)
Then, while we were eating our Chick-Picnic, he wandered off toward the playground. He was a wasp and said to me, "He won't bite you," meaning that he wanted me to re-assure him that the wasp wouldn't sting him. I said that he would. He might sting you. He quickly ran back towards me. He said, "I quick. I run away."
I am fighting some allergies right now, too. I coughed up a little and had to spit {so feminine, I know!} I walked away from the picnic table to do so. He watched me and after I did so, he said, "Good one." {so masculine!} :)
We had a wonderful time feeding the ducks, ibis', and seagulls. One little boy, who was also feeding the ducks, showed us a tadpole that he had caught in his water bottle. I told Nathan that the tadpole is a baby frog. And that was more said. Then, a little while later, while playing on the playground, he starts talking about the he has said that word a zillion times before and knew exactly what it was. He is so smart.
Oh, and one more thing...before we left this morning, Nathan was drinking his milk and eating "creamawheat," as he calls it. He grabbed my arm and said, "I love mommy." And then he smiled :) By heart just about burst because it was totally on his own. :)
Friday, April 27, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Sweet Sayings

Here are some random Nathanisms:
1. {with Miss Esther} "Mom-Mom, look! I wiggling - like worm wiggles." And he wiggles his little self!
2. {with Miss Esther} He was putting his baseball hat on. Then he said, "Here, Mom-Mom, put the hat on." He put it on her head and she told him it was too small for her. He responded, "It's cute, though!" Ha! I'll bet he's heard that from us!!
3. We went to the range today, all three of us. Nathan would hit the ball and I would commend him on his hit. Then, I would say that it was Mommy's me. He says OK. Then I'd hit and he would say, "Good one!" Then, as we took turns hitting and watching each other, he stopped me with his hand, like a stop sign. Then he said, "Let me see som'thin." He came over to me and put my hand on the club where he thought it should go. hahaha! Again, he was watching me, and instead of saying anything, he just came up to me and showed me how to swing my golf club while I was holding it. He was an instructor. It was soooo cute.
This picture {above} is from today. I found this little plot of land that had wildflowers growing on it. I want to use it for my photography business, but I needed to practice first and see if would work. Dave and Nay Nay served as my models before we went out to play golf. More pics to come from our little mini-session. But this one is my FAVORITE!!!! It is getting framed!!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Sweet Sayings
Nathan found a lizard on the window outside. {He was peering through the inside window.} The lizard moved, scared by Little Bear, no doubt, and Nathan said, "Lizard, where are you, Lizard? Are you hiding, Lizard? Yes, you are!" With such expression!! So cute!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Sweet Sayings
Today, Miss Esther {Mom-mom} took care of Nathan while I worked. She shared with me a cute thing that Nathan said. They were both eating grilled cheese sandwiches. Nathan noticed that they both had one. Nathan commented, "There's Nay Nay's. And there's Mom-mom's. How nice!" :)
Miss Esther also told me that Nathan had been singing all day today. I heard him sing, "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" while Esther and I finished saying our goodbyes. He pretty much has all the words. There's another song with the same music but different lyrics that Caden and Christian {Esther's grandsons} taught him. He can sing bits of that one, too. It's about America.
Miss Esther also told me that Nathan had been singing all day today. I heard him sing, "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" while Esther and I finished saying our goodbyes. He pretty much has all the words. There's another song with the same music but different lyrics that Caden and Christian {Esther's grandsons} taught him. He can sing bits of that one, too. It's about America.
Right after I returned home from work, I joined Miss Esther and Nathan playing ball in the front yard. A neighborhood girl came over to the edge of our yard to play with Nathan. He saw her and said, "She's a honey!!" {"Honey," he learned from The Sandlot movie.} But I never thought he understood that the pool honey's were girls. Funny little boy.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Sweet Sayings
Yesterday, Nathan and I went to Sand Key Beach. There is a long pathway that leads right to the beach. There are tennis courts on one side of this path. While we were walking along, here's how our little conversation went:
Nathan: There's nobody playing.
Me: No, there's not. I wonder where they are? {referring to the tennis players}
Nathan: They're eating nuts.
Me: What?! They're eating nuts?
Nathan: Yes, they're eating nuts.
Isn't that silly? I have NO IDEA how his little brain came up with that one! :)
Nathan: There's nobody playing.
Me: No, there's not. I wonder where they are? {referring to the tennis players}
Nathan: They're eating nuts.
Me: What?! They're eating nuts?
Nathan: Yes, they're eating nuts.
Isn't that silly? I have NO IDEA how his little brain came up with that one! :)
Friday, April 13, 2012
Paying Off!
Lately I've been wondering if any of the things I've been focusing on with Nathan have been sinking in at all. First, When we take a shower, I always sing one or two songs over and over again...At first it was ABC's and Jesus Loves Me. He can sing most of those two songs now. So, I started singing Praise Him, Praise Him All You Little Children and Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World. He hasn't started singing along at all...and I feel like he should have by now. Secondly, Dave and I have been trying to help him count. He counts like this, "1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8: ...all the way to 13. But never gets the 4 or 5. We've been focusing on getting to the 4 and 5 for months and months and months. Well, today, we were playing something...I can't remember what...he got tired of it and moved on. So, I started cleaning or straightening up. He started looking at his books. While he was trying to decide which book to pick, he starts singing, "Praise Him, praise Him, all you little children, God is love, God is love." {By the way, I had not sung at all yet today. This was all on his own.} My heart leapt!! What joy!! I quietly enjoyed him. He decided upon a book as he finished the verse; he selected one about counting ladybugs. By himself, he sits down, and starts counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12! And then repeats it! So, by this point, I am sitting down beside him, praising him for his counting. I ask him if he'd like to read this book. He says yes. And through the pages, he just keeps on counting. The book only goes up to 5, so in order to count higher, he re-counts the ladybugs. After each counting series on each page, I grab him in my arms and excitedly tell him what excellent counting he is doing. And he reveled in it. He loved the accolades. In fact, after he finished counting one of the pages, he kind of waited for me, maybe even peeked at me with a sideward glance, so I could congratulate him on his counting accomplishment. It was so precious!! Finally, a return on investment.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Sweet Sayings
Yesterday, Dave and Nathan went for a walk while I was getting dinner ready. Nathan has recently been wanting to run when he's got to get from point A to point B. So, he wanted to run with Dave back home. Well, he fell down. Dave was concerned he had gotten scratched / scraped up, so he asked him if he was hurt. Nathan said, "No hurt. Tim Tebow fall down." :) Twice earlier in the day {once with me and once with Miss Esther} Nathan had referred to himself as Tim Tebow when he was playing with the football. Sooo cute and so tough, just like Tim Tebow :)
Friday, April 6, 2012
Sweet Sayings
Just a quickie here, before I forget. Granddaddy sneezed 3 times, pretty loudly, too. Nathan said, "Bless you," after 2 of the sneezes. Then, after the final aachhooo, Nathan looks up at Granddaddy and says with the most inquisitive and expressive eyes, "Do you need a kleenex?" Just so sweet and innocent. We all enjoyed his little offer of service.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Sweet Sayings
We've had a great day today so far...probably some pictures coming soon. We're visiting Granddaddy and Mimi. Here's are a few of the cute things from today:
1. Nathan started to swing his putter inside. Granddaddy told him to putt, not hit the ball. Soft. He still looked like he was starting to take the club back, so Granddaddy said, "That'll warm up the seat of your pants." I laughed a little bit, enjoying the way Daddy referred to a spanking. Nathan stopped his swing, looked at Granddaddy and said, "That's funny." It seemed like he knew what Granddaddy was talking about. It was cute.
2. While eating breakfast, Nathan was rolling a golf ball on the counter and then catching it so it wouldn't roll to the floor. He was proud that he caught it. "I caught it!" he exclaimed. I responded, "Nice catch, Nathan." Then, he rolled it and I caught it. He said, "Nice catch, Mommy." I said, "Thank you." Then, he rolled it and caught it. I said, "Nice catch, Nathan." And he said, "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" with expression that made me think he had just completed an amazing magic trick, or something.
3. He is having to take some medicine orally right now. And, even with some "strawberry swirl" flavor, he doesn't enjoy it. After one absolute disasterous dose, I decided that bribery was necessary. So, I told Nathan that if he takes his medicine, he can have a cookie. So, he reluctantly took the medicine and thoroughly enjoyed a teeny tiny piece of chocolate chip cookie {from some Amish cookies that Dave and I got for Granddaddy.} After he swallowed the cookie piece, he said, "More medicine?" He was looking up at me with the most expectant eyes. It was cute.
1. Nathan started to swing his putter inside. Granddaddy told him to putt, not hit the ball. Soft. He still looked like he was starting to take the club back, so Granddaddy said, "That'll warm up the seat of your pants." I laughed a little bit, enjoying the way Daddy referred to a spanking. Nathan stopped his swing, looked at Granddaddy and said, "That's funny." It seemed like he knew what Granddaddy was talking about. It was cute.
2. While eating breakfast, Nathan was rolling a golf ball on the counter and then catching it so it wouldn't roll to the floor. He was proud that he caught it. "I caught it!" he exclaimed. I responded, "Nice catch, Nathan." Then, he rolled it and I caught it. He said, "Nice catch, Mommy." I said, "Thank you." Then, he rolled it and caught it. I said, "Nice catch, Nathan." And he said, "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" with expression that made me think he had just completed an amazing magic trick, or something.
3. He is having to take some medicine orally right now. And, even with some "strawberry swirl" flavor, he doesn't enjoy it. After one absolute disasterous dose, I decided that bribery was necessary. So, I told Nathan that if he takes his medicine, he can have a cookie. So, he reluctantly took the medicine and thoroughly enjoyed a teeny tiny piece of chocolate chip cookie {from some Amish cookies that Dave and I got for Granddaddy.} After he swallowed the cookie piece, he said, "More medicine?" He was looking up at me with the most expectant eyes. It was cute.
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