Here are some random Nathanisms:
1. {with Miss Esther} "Mom-Mom, look! I wiggling - like worm wiggles." And he wiggles his little self!
2. {with Miss Esther} He was putting his baseball hat on. Then he said, "Here, Mom-Mom, put the hat on." He put it on her head and she told him it was too small for her. He responded, "It's cute, though!" Ha! I'll bet he's heard that from us!!
3. We went to the range today, all three of us. Nathan would hit the ball and I would commend him on his hit. Then, I would say that it was Mommy's turn...watch me. He says OK. Then I'd hit and he would say, "Good one!" Then, as we took turns hitting and watching each other, he stopped me with his hand, like a stop sign. Then he said, "Let me see som'thin." He came over to me and put my hand on the club where he thought it should go. hahaha! Again, he was watching me, and instead of saying anything, he just came up to me and showed me how to swing my golf club while I was holding it. He was an instructor. It was soooo cute.
This picture {above} is from today. I found this little plot of land that had wildflowers growing on it. I want to use it for my photography business, but I needed to practice first and see if would work. Dave and Nay Nay served as my models before we went out to play golf. More pics to come from our little mini-session. But this one is my FAVORITE!!!! It is getting framed!!
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