Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Golf Outing

Recently we played golf as a family.  Here are some pictures from our outing.  The date on these is April 23, 2012.  

He is such a natural.  His swing is effortless and mostly makes good contact with the ball.
 In the golf cart with Daddy.  Dave tells me that often when they go golfing, just the two of them, Nathan enjoys running alongside the golf cart.  What a booger!!

 Watching Daddy about to swing.

 His "cheese" smile.
 This one actually looks painful!! :)
 The lookout into the water is beautiful.  This little nook is right off of the golf course.
 We found some "cranes."  Nathan got to sit in them and pretend he was driving them.  When we drive by "cranes," and they are being used, Nathan will comment how "they're working."  But, if no one is working them, he will say, "They not working.  They resting." :)

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