This post is severely overdue. In fact, I've missed so many cute, sweet sayings that I could fill a whole notebook. They just come so fast and often now and I can't keep up. I try to say to myself...remember that! And I never do. Life moves and I have to chase it :) Anyway, here are some really cute things that Nathan has said the past two weeks. {December 2012}
1. Nathan stepped on some Lego pieces at Caden and Christians' house and it punctured the bottom of his foot. The next day, I asked him how his foot was and he said, "It's pretty better. It's gettin' there. It's gettin' there."
2. We were reading a book called A Walk to the Park. The last page has a picture of three little boys, playing with boats in the city pond. One of the boys has his hand in the water. Nathan asked why the boy was doing that. I answered that I don't know. So, he responded, "Maybe [he's reaching for] a cookie, or a pretzel, or a sandwich." These were totally random, as we had just woken up and were reading in bed. Not even a morsel of breakfast had we eaten, yet less lunch foods!
3. Dave and Nathan went shopping for a Christmas tree by themselves. Dave was culling the trees and setting aside the "bad ones," as he noted to Nathan. Well, along came another family with a little girl. Nathan went up to the little girl and said, "These are the bad ones!"
4. Nathan asked me to read to's how he asked, without a breath in between: "Mommy, will you read to me? Mommy, I don't know how to read. Mommy, you do great."
5. Nathan brought a big stack of books into the living room. He could barely carry all of them without dropping. He said, "I got enough. Nough, nough, nough."
6. We were watching the Polar Express movie. I commented how it was the first movie he'd ever "watched," because he was very interested in it and watched a large portion of it last year at Mimi and Granddaddy's house. He asked, "when I was a baby?" I said, "You were almost a big boy." He lowers himself by bending his knees a little bit. Then he says, "Like this?" We laughed and confirmed. Then, he said, "Watch me grow." He went up on his tip toes. :) His little ankle popped. He heard it and commented, "Sometimes it do's that," as he makes a popping noise with his mouth/tongue.
7. "I gotta get a book for homework." He gets this from Caden and Christian.
8. He was being adorable and I told him, "I could just eat you up." He says in return, "You don't have a big mouth!"
9. Soon to be naptime, he says to me, "It's not time to go to bed right now. I want to do a couple of things...liiiikkkkeee...puzzle-ling, reading, aaaannnd, puzzle-ling."
10. We rode the Schwinn for the first time and while pedaling he said, "I'm gonna race like the wind!" Then, after racing, he slowed and said, "My legs are gonna fall off."
11. I had instructed him to sit down and eat. A little while after the command, he says, "Mommy, I gotta stand up. My bootie's got a little itch. I gotta get it out. That's okay."
12. We were at Panera and he eyed some beautifully decorated Christmas cookies in the bakery section. He told me, "I want those [cookies] tomorrow when I grow up, okay?"
13. I put gel in his hair and spiked it up. He normally hates to have his hair gelled, but somehow, I got him to not flatten it down. Anyway, later, he said, with no other conversation around the subject of hair, "My hair looks silly. My hair looks crazy."
14. We had a long day and we had missed his nap that day. He fell asleep on the way to the park. I woke him up. He didn't want to get up, even though it was the park. I said, "Don't you want to play at the playground?" He groggily slurred, "No, I'm just tired. My eyes are resting." Finally he agreed to wake and play, as we only had an hour before dark. He said, "I'm gotta open my eyes first." He rubs his eyes. Then he said, "There."
15. We were at Macy's. He saw some manequins with no heads. He loudly and passionately exclaimed, "Look! They don't have any heads!!!!" Then he went over to them and touched their belly because they were modeling sports bras and exercise bottoms. He got a kick out of touching their bellies.
16. While at Macy's. I was shopping a clearance rack. He stood at the end of the rack and looked at the big red sign with white letters spelling out "clearance." He stood there and pointed and said each letter, "C, L, E, A, R, A, N, C, E." I had to help him with one or two. He did the same thing in the car after the mall. He had some crayons and wanted to color. I did n't have any paper for him to color on, so I offered an empty Banana Republic shopping bag that was white with the exception of the black letters. He started spelling out B A N A N A R E P U B L I C. I had to help with only a couple of letters. He is amazing!!! We've only worked minimally on his letters. Then, when at the park, there was a tic tack toe game {large, where the letters spin around} and he started singing the alphabet song!!! He is so smart!!!! :)
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